Fun Run day!!

Schools will be closed today due to the Extreme Cold Warning.

School is closed today.

3rd Grade visits the Museum of Science and Industry.

Thank you Veterans

Locust students enjoying a spooky PE class.

It's a boo-tiful night for Trunk or Treat. Thank you cePTA for sponsoring this fang-tastic event!

Grand Marshall Sonya Bass

Happy Settler's Day

Kindergarten Pet Parade

100 Years!!

What a great new tradition! MCHS Seniors came to welcome Locust students this morning.

Locust students headed to Mr. Freeze today for our beginning of the year PBIS reward.

First day of school

What a great night! Thank you for coming out to Kindergarten Orientation!

Our chefs!!

Staff Welcome Picnic

Locust staff being trained in Literacy Program.