President: Tanya Varney
Vice President: Stephanie Kuzelka
Secretary: Kelly Miedwig
Treasury: Amy While

Meetings are held in the MCMS library at 5:00 pm- Please join us! The meeting dates are as follows: 9/28, 10/26, 11/16, Dec- No meeting, 1/25, 2/22, 3/22, 4/26, 5/24.

Here are the fundraisers that help support CePTA; Cherrydale fall catalog, Butterbraids, Boosterthon (Locust), Bowlathon (Grant), Color Run (MCMS), McScare Night- McDonald's (district), and Art to Remember (district). Come and get involved with raising money for your child's school! We are always in need of parent volunteers!

These are some of the amazing things CePTA helps fund for our district!

Playground equipment for Locust and Grant, Family fun nights, activity days, agendas, take-home folders, staff appreciation, assemblies, field trips, supplies for the classroom, and so much more!

If you would like more information on how you can help and get involved, please feel free to contact us!

Email: cePTA165@gmail.com

Facebook- CePTA165

Phone: (815) 703-1960 (Tanya)